Sunday, June 2, 2013

The joys of Walmart

Joe:  Boy, you're right about that Walmart being screwed up.  The other day when I went there all I had was 2 containers of mouthwash, so I got in the express lane for 20 items or less.  There's a guy in that lane with a cart full of sh#t & then another couple behind him, then me.  So the guy sets all his sh#t up on the counter & pulls out a wad of cash.  I thought, "oh good, this will go quick since he's payin' with cash." Winds up he doesn't have enough money, so he's asking the cashier how much things cost to take off the bill.  I'm gettin' aggravated, see.  The couple behind him rolled their eyes.  Finally I said to the guy "You gotta be sh#ttin' me, you mean you don't know how much that sh#t cost when you pull it off the shelf."  I went to another lane.  When I was walking out the guy was still at the cash register.  I waved my hand at him, like "you're an idiot."

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