Thursday, December 3, 2009

Joe: Guess what I had to whip out? Ol' goldie. (joe's button up 1970's gold sweater that he wears in the winter). Yeah, and I got the storm windows up and all the drapes pulled to keep the cold air out. I even used safety pins to close the drapes in my bedroom.
Alicia: Are you wearing your footies?
Joe: Naw, I got my socks & tennis shoes on. I wore my footies the other night... you know, the ones that got more holes than they got material. (he says that every time he talks about them)
Alicia: Yeah, I know. So anyway, you want me to book this flight?
Joe: Okay, let me get my credit card out... hold on, I have to take these gloves off.
Alicia: Are you kidding me, you're wearing gloves?
Joe: Oh, you've done that before too.


  1. This is by far the best one. I have a question though....the man who walks outside to get the paper barefoot when it's 12 degrees out is wearing gloves inside? I thought he was tougher than that.

  2. I think it's because getting the paper takes a few seconds, sitting in a 50 degree house lasts the whole season.
