Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Joe vs. Wasp

Joe:  So today I was driving on 55, taking my time just cruising along & I look over at the passenger side window & there's a wasp.  So you know I got the power windows, so I just rolled the window down.  The wasp must have still been half asleep from the winter because he was kind of lethargic, just rode the window down into the door.  So I thought, "good, he won't be able to get back out."

I look over a couple minutes later, here the son of a b#tch is crawling back up by the window.  So I swatted at him with my brush & broke the g*ddamn brush in half.  He landed on the floor on the passengers side & wasn't moving so I thought it was over.  Looked over a few minutes later & here he's making his way over to me because I pissed him off.  I grabbed my club & started poking at him with that.  All the while I'm going 70 g#ddamn miles an hour down the highway.

Well he was still coming at me, so I hit 'eem with my hand & stunned him. 

Here I'm going down those narrow sh#ttin' lanes in the depressed section trying to hit this wasp with my hand. If I had any g#ddamn sense I would have pulled over. 

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