Saturday, April 21, 2012

Joe's pen & Joe's cussing

I was telling Joe about some dates of events coming up, so he was going to write them down on his calendar.  He has one pen of which he is very protective &  always carries with him.

Joe:  Ain't this the sh#ts, I ain't got my godd#mn pen.  Oh Joe, you idiot.  I haven't written anything today.  Here, I guess I'll just use my "doing taxes" pencil. 
    You ain't gonna believe this, I pushed the pencil to the paper & the son of a b#tch just broke off to a 90 degree angle sideways.  I could curse but what the hell good would it do?  Let me get another one of these first class number 2 pencils. 

We hung up.  About 5 minutes later my phone rings.

Joe:  I found it.  It was in my shorts pocket that I wore the other day.  I had my head in my ass for the last 1/2 hour. 

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