Friday, December 31, 2010

Real Housewives... again. It really gets him in a tizzy.

Alicia: Yo, what's up?
Joe: (in a girl voice, imitating the gal Kyle on Real Housewives) Oh, you know I am so stressed out. My housekeeper called and can't be here this week. I don't know how I'm going to get to Napa with all the things I have to do. No one is here to kiss my a#$.

(now Joe in his own voice): I got my 2 middle fingers pointing at the tv. I can't believe these broads.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Real Housewives

Watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills earlier this week:

Joe: Can you believe how dolled up these gals get to hang around their house? Sh*t, I been in the same sweat pants and sweat shirt all g*ddman week.

(He was also in a stocking cap & his footies)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's cold

Joe: You goin' out bummin' today?
Alicia: Yes I am
Joe: Boy, it's cold out, windy & cold.
Alicia: Yeah, you have your heat on yet?
Joe: It ain't THAT cold.
I'm seriously considering it.
Alicia: What, do you have some Council over there you're discussing it with?
Joe: Well, I was looking at my gas bills from last year, & this is about the same time I turned it on last year, so I guess I 'll continue on that track. Turn it on when I can't stand it.
Alicia: What track is that? The crazy track?
Joe: You know that snot booger I got frozen to the end of my nose like an icicle is only 2 inches long, I'm gonna wait 'til it's 4 inches long.