Thursday, December 13, 2012


(changed names for anonymity)
Alicia:  So how was lunch?
Joe: It was alright.  I sat across from Bertha.  She started talking about all this stuff I didn't understand & I didn't give a sh#t about, and then at the end of her talk she asks me a question, looking for my opinion.  Well, I didn't give a damn about what she was talking about, so I sat there with a dumb look on my face & she's always got that stupid look on her face. 

Joe hearts the mall

Joe:  So I went to the mall to get gift card for the girls.  I just don't see how people do that during the holidays, go to the mall.  The parking lot is crowded & there are people everywhere.  I'd tell 'em, "Here, take this money.  I don't give a sh#t if you wipe your a#s with it, I ain't goin' in no g#ddamn mall."

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Alicia:  So how was Real Housewives this time?
Joe:  Aw, it was kinda boring.  That Kim, I don't know how she affords that trip to Ojai, she looks like she ain't got a pot to piss in.  She looks like she can't afford the recreation room at the Motel 6, let alone some big house in Ojai.

Oh, the obvious

Joe:  Hey, what up?
Alicia:  Oh, I just finished watching Rudolph on tv.
Joe:  Rudolph?  Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?